星期日, 16 3 月

嗨,大家好! 希望您喜歡另一個廚房視頻🥲💛 💍 我戴的項鍊:(使用代碼 APRIL2021 可享受 10% 的折扣)我的 VLOG 頻道:您在哪裡可以找到我以獲得更多內容?! Twitch:Instagram:Twitter:Patreon:Spotify:Discord:Deezer:業務諮詢:[email protected] 給我發郵件:PO Box 2603 Prince George, VA 23875



37 則留言

  1. You’re super beautiful. That’s an unrelated comment. But I feel like the energy you are bringing for a lofi vid just isn’t matching lofi. I feel like I’m being hurried to relax and I can’t. Little manic energy feel.

  2. Hearing the sound of a cough drop In someone's mouth. Gives me such a nostalgic feeling and a strong memory of my choir teacher in private school. Her name was Sister Jane and she always had a peppermint in her mouth. She was so good to me. Thank you April for making this video. It made me smile happy holidays❤

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