星期五, 14 3 月

單擊您的讚助商Better -Help的第一個月治療,以獲取10%的折扣。加入超過400萬人在Better Heelp上與治療師會面的人,並開始過著更健康,更快樂的生活💛聯繫:[email protected] asmr tiktok:我的VLOG頻道:您可以在哪裡找到我的內容?! Twitch:Instagram:Twitter:Patreon:Spotify:Discord:Deezer:#fastandaggressiveasmr #asmr #fastASMR #FastASMR #MouthSounds #HandSounds #handsounds #asmrforadhd #adhd #adhd



25 則留言

  1. I’ve always loved the tradition of Pre-marital counseling in my family and my church. I believe that our first year of marriage could have been really hard if we hadn’t gone through a book, with an older couple, that goes through many different scenarios. It helped us talk through things before they ever happened, so we had an idea of how to handle things when they actually happened❤️

  2. 1:11 I’ve always loved the tradition of Pre-marital counseling in my family and my church. I believe that our first year of marriage could have been really hard if we hadn’t gone through a book, with an older couple, that goes through many different scenarios. It helped us talk through things before they ever happened, so we had an idea of how to handle things when they actually happened❤️


    I’m so very sorry for the loss of your first baby…💔

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