星期五, 20 12 月

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Bestseller 40% OFF: https://bit.ly/3nmWXq5
Dr. Grace’s NEW pick items 40% OFF + FREE GIFT (Snail Essence 30ml) : https://bit.ly/3LTSjKd
Dr. Grace’s 4in1 Set 50% OFF + FREE GIFT (Snail Essence 20ml, Good Morning Gel Cleanser 20ml, Snail Sheet Mask 2pcs, One Step Pad 2 Sachets (Worth TWD540) : https://bit.ly/3KdiNFg

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This video is sponsored by Cosrx.

Disclaimer: This video is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment or medical advice. Content provided on this Youtube channel is for informational purposes only. Please consult with a physician or other healthcare professional regarding any medical or health related diagnosis or treatment options. Information on this Youtube channel should not be considered as a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional. The statements made about specific products throughout this video are not to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.



39 則留言

  1. 請問使用retinol cream之後還需要再使用面霜嗎?

    之前我也在使用cosrx的vitamin c精華、玻尿酸精華和蝸牛粘液的眼霜。我覺得真的很好用!目前維他命c精華和玻尿酸精華都用完了,正在試用galactomyces精華,我不知道是不是它太滋潤了,最近下巴開始長粉刺和痘痘🥲正在猶豫要不要停止使用

  2. 這影片我在出的時候就看了,然後去蝦皮買了這些產品
    Dr. Grace可以推薦產品時候也順道講解一下可能搭配其他護膚產品時用的順序嗎😛

  3. Hi Dr Grace,我該是用了濃度過高的 Vit C, 面頰有泛紅及脫皮狀況,斷續有一個月了。這段時間都在用含ceramide的 cream/lotion 及醫用防曬。還有甚麼可加快皮膚復完?

  4. 谢谢Dr Grace 的分享。自从接触到Dr Grace 的频道后,所有的保养品都根据你的推荐。我想请问Dr Grace,这一系列COSRX的产品是否适合常年如夏的马来西亚呢?谢谢

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