星期六, 15 3 月

訂閱【綜藝風向標】綜藝八卦全知道! ► http://bit.ly/showfever ◘ 浙江衛視YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/c/zhejiangtv 《天賜的聲音3》FULL:https://bit.ly/35J33Za 《閃光的樂隊》FULL:https://bit.ly/32avOMm ◘ 湖南衛視芒果TV官方頻道:https://www.youtube.com/hunantv ‍👸《乘風破浪》精彩合輯🏄🏻 會員搶先看:https://bit.ly/3PnCKde‍ 完整版:https://bit.ly/3NbcJvC 精彩看點:https://bit.ly/3lbmw9h


41 則留言

  1. 改來改去玩那些花樣技巧不如不改,都唱的很好聽只是我感覺最後那四人唱的最好其次是楊丞琳,因為不做太大的篇幅由心而發才是最感動人的。

  2. Angela’s cover was the first time I heard this beautiful, mystical song. ❤ My mom karaokes Faye all the time, but she never sang this song so I didn’t know it.

    My favorite cover is still Angela’s. Her voice is magical. Really love the last cover too. I’m not familiar with those artists but one of those women has a really unique voice.

    Edit: Oh I looked it up, this song only came out in 2021. No wonder it had a more modern cdrama romance vibe to it.

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