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【大胃王爆吃100顆牛肉湯餃】大胃王狂點100顆八方雲集水餃嚇壞店員!自製6公斤巨無霸牛肉湯餃!爽吃超多肉量牛肉爐!1次吃三包再吃牛肉麵!大胃王|吃播|mukbang|彰化|Eating show_傑克開吃JackStartEat
【大胃王網咖吃到飽狂吃一整夜花多少】大胃王狂點10碗泡麵嚇傻店員!$42多款飲料/冰品吃到飽!夜包8小時$260吃光網咖整本菜單美食開箱!大胃王|吃播|mukbang|台北車站|Eating show_傑克開吃JackStartEat
Eman City Productions on 2023 年 2 月 15 日 下午 10:58 Sigh…April I need more if your videos your amazing 😫 Reply
Charles Young Jr. on 2023 年 2 月 15 日 下午 11:14 Me when I’m sitting on the tv remote & wondering why the volume mutes/unmutes Reply
The Aviator on 2023 年 2 月 16 日 上午 5:50 Yay! April’s ASMR shorts! Hope you do more in the future Reply
Spam Account on 2023 年 2 月 16 日 上午 11:27 when you leave your phone on vibrate and keep getting notifications Reply
15 則留言
So this is what it's like being first
Sigh…April I need more if your videos your amazing 😫
Make a longer vid of this, i love it
Me when I’m sitting on the tv remote & wondering why the volume mutes/unmutes
Love these. Thanks
You know you can do this in post 😂
Yay! April’s ASMR shorts! Hope you do more in the future
We need a full video of this
Bullshit idea
Si que eres hermosa 🥰
The bests
when you leave your phone on vibrate and keep getting notifications
Why does muting give me tingles💀