星期三, 26 2 月

Matt 和 Yan 前往愛荷華州的得梅因和克利爾萊克探親。 然後驅車前往沃倫巴菲特叔叔的家鄉——奧馬哈……


##Visiting #relatives #Warren #Buffett #探亲之旅 #世界首富的家是什么样子的


34 則留言

  1. 燕妹,您好嗎?
    嘩~終於等到您影片啦!有一小段時間沒看您更新….就常往subscriptions 點開看看有沒有錯過影片😂,還真有點擔心您….願您一切安好~

  2. 这条马路太直,太长了,驾驶起来会有点闷。阿 Matt 的英语讲得很好听,很清析。真不愧是个老师,很棒的老师!👍👍👍 可爱的 Andrew 又看到你了,真开心❤❤❤ 一家三口去探访亲戚,很棒! 巴菲特人虽富有却很节俭 👏👏👏 要让别人打从心里喜欢你,真不容易啊(⊙o⊙)! 他的房子一点都不像有钱人住的。一家三口去旅游多开心😄😄😄 ,你们又露营去了👍👏👍👏👍👏 做你们家的小孩真幸福!祝福你们全家 幸福每一天 快乐每一刻 👍💖👍💜👍❤🙏

  3. Hey. Yan,Matt & little handsome boy *Andrew*. Yeah. … You are back 🎉. Since last week, Quite curious why there was no video posted by you recently. 🧐. Happy to see you again. Thank you for the video. ❤️

  4. I love yours and your big brother's videos, very warm family and in-laws. Lovely auntie Alice! 你们都很有亲情与人情味。朴实无华!Thanks also for showing us around America and their National Parks. Blessings to your family/families.

  5. 谢谢你有放华语字目,要不然我看不懂,因为我不懂英语,前几集的你只放英语字目我没看完,我是看KL Liew的才知道你们是兄妹,希望下次拍多点你们国家的景点区

  6. How nice of you guys went to visit Matt's aunt! That's what family is for! I was at Omaha May 30th visiting my friend, and they took us to see Warren Buffett's house also. I can tell Matt found the right house. Very nice neighborhood and a humble not too huge house! We drove from Omaha to Colorado, oh, boy, how flat and straight it was! 😄 Some day I would love to follow your footsteps and drive across the country!

  7. Really envy your families ,everyone just too adorable,what is matter the most loved one also love you back you absolutely right…太让人羡慕的一家🤗🤗😶😶每个人都懂得如何待人接物

  8. Matt, thank you very much for introducing your aunt and mom’s cousin to us. It was indeed a very long drive to Warren Buffett’s residence. Appreciate your interest for showing us his residence. Andrew is a happy, lovable and smart child, learning fast on new things in every trip the parents bring him out. Also mentioned in the video ‘the only way to get love is to be lovable’ I always remember this. Thanks for sharing all the wonderful things with us. Bye for now. See you in the next video. ❤🥰😊

  9. Thanks Yan for sharing your family trip, introducing to us the various cities on the map and your visit to your aunt. Indeed Love is not for sale. When we refresh and love others, we will experience happiness and love ourselves. Enjoy your precious family time❤❤❤

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