星期三, 26 3 月

What’s the cost ($$$) of a last minute trip to Paris??? 🤑🫠 Click in here to find out now!

大家想知道我們一家臨時決定的法國旅遊總共花費$$$多少嗎? 🤑🫠快點擊影片看看吧!

Welcome back to the Reynolds Family Channel. Today’s episode sees us end our summer holidays with a surprise, last minute trip to Disneyland Paris for their 30th Year Anniversary and it ends with a wondrous bang! 🇫🇷🪄🏰🎆 #paris #disney #marvel #family #france

歡迎回來Reynolds family的頻道,今集帶大家一起看看我們怎樣為整個暑假畫上完美的句號,臨時決定出國巴黎迪士尼,共同慶祝30周年紀念及欣賞精彩的煙花匯演🇫🇷🪄🏰🎆

Watch along as we take a quick flight over the Channel and are wowed as we stay at the NEW Disney Marvel New York hotel, decked out like an amazing mix between a Marvel Comic and Ironman’s penthouse. 🦸🏻‍♀️ 💪🏻

帶大家搭一趟短途飛機,一家被園內全新的巴黎迪士尼紐約 – 漫威藝術世界酒店驚艷到,房間裝潢完美融合及呈現出漫威漫畫和鋼鐵人的公寓🦸🏻‍♀️ 💪🏻

See who in the family is more excited when we get up the next morning and enter not one but TWO fantastic theme parks 🤩

隔天醒來踏進迪士尼樂園兩個園區的一刻,真的不知道誰才是最興奮的,到底是我們父母、Noah還是Finn Fin呢🤩

Jump into this VLOG and you’ll see us making magical memories with some classic Disney favourites as well as at the exclusive Marvel section of the Walt Disney Studios Park (The only one in the world) 😍


And once our unforgettable day is over, stay tuned to learn the full cost of a short stay as Laurence tallies up all the different expenses for a family of 4! 💰


We want to say a huge thank you to both Klook and Disneyland Paris for sponsoring our once in a lifetime trip. And we hope our experience can help you budget a similar trip too. If you hurry, you might even grab yourselves a deal…


🏰購買巴黎迪士尼樂園單人門票,即送河谷購物村 EUR20 禮物卡*
📅此30週年優惠只到 2023 年 9 月 30 日,馬上安排吧!😍

Enjoy and see you next time! 🥰 下次再見❣️



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