以奇妙夢想城堡為佈景,這場20分鐘的城堡匯演,將成為我們的夢想舞台。隨著原創曲”Follow Your Dreams”及多首經過重新編曲的迪士尼經典樂章奏起,米奇老鼠和一班迪士尼朋友將驚喜現身,伴隨著歌手與舞者的傾情演繹、天馬行空的巨型裝置、震撼壯觀的水柱、泡泡、舞台火花特效等,鼓勵我們跳出框框,勇於追尋夢想,現在就登上屬於自己的舞台,展開你的「尋夢奇緣」!係咪好想睇呢!?
今次去迪士尼探索家度假酒店連迪士尼樂園,兩日一夜之旅,帶大家睇哂所有表演,我哋一共拍咗6條片,大家記得去睇啦,仲要記住訂閱我哋呀,Let’s GO~~~
Follow Your Dreams
Entertainment located in Main Street, U.S.A. at Hong Kong Disneyland Park
With the magnificent new castle as a backdrop, this 20-minute castle show features an original song of the same name and a number of classic Disney tunes with contemporary arrangements. Mickey Mouse and his friends will take to the stage, accompanied by singers and dancers, magnificent large-scale props, and effects such as fog jets, bubbles, and sparkulars. The show will encourage everyone to use their imaginations, embrace the power of dreams, and transform their lives.
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