i wanna ask if i go with my family total 7 person, then i need to fill in another six person's details again and again under accompanying person when i apply for other members?
Bet they are just choosing only those with vaccinated status to enter. There's also the Q-Code. This kind of tedious application process should be for applying for residence permit, not for tourism. It's ridiculous because Korea needs tourists' money and they are making it difficult to apply. It's not an exam. Fail to get approved for tourism? And need to pay USD8 for no guarantee of approval? Korea should just remain closed until they are ready to open normally. Is it even safe to give out personal details to such a government on a flimsy online website for 10,300 won??
Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do. –Steve Jobs
Hi. I want to ask about surname and given name for malay people. Do we need to include bin/binti at surname? Or just fill full name at given name. ex: ali bin ahmad & then tick at unknown surname?
Hi. I want to ask about surname and given name for malay people. Do we need to include bin/binti at surname? Or just fill full name at given name. ex: ali bin ahmad & then tick at unknown surname?
46 則留言
Sing ,您好,請問Q code mail 會很快收到嗎?我已申請完成,但還沒收到mail耶!不過網頁上是有看到二維碼了,您當初mail隔多久才收到?
請問K-ETA 申請時EMAIL填錯了會有影響嗎? 還有找不到KETA申請好後產生的QR CODE
想请问一下如果护照还没更新的话可以先申请k eta吗?
我聖經去首爾,需要申請Visa 嗎?我持特區謢照。
你好,請問我要申請k-eta 的時候,填寫後顯示我不用申請,已有簽證。7月的時候有申請過c-3旅遊簽,不過當時說是一次性簽證。所以真的不用再申請,就可以直接去嗎?
i wanna ask if i go with my family total 7 person, then i need to fill in another six person's details again and again under accompanying person when i apply for other members?
妳好,請問如果沒有收到email 確認,但查結果是approval , 還有approval no. 這樣可以嗎?
想問一下 如果eta我申請後沒有確認電郵,但在app查詢時有個人資料 都算是成功申請嗎?謝謝
Keta apps不能 上載護照,不知道怎麼辦?
请问 q-code 是不是不能太早申请?
謝謝熱心分享! 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹请问有誰知道 在韩国做cover-19核酸檢測 需要预订吗? Thanks
謝謝分享! 昨天用KETA的APP發現更方便了,護照和照片不需要再上傳,直接在APP上SCAN,護照資料會直接幫你填好在格子上,非常方便
谢谢版主的分享,我用你分享的方法,一个晚上就申请到了! 谢谢🤩
안녕하세요 I will go to meet my fiancé’s parents so should I choose “visiting”?
請問K ETA 的申請只能在出發前72小時做申請?
Keep payment fail
你好喔 想問申請q-code 是出發前3天才能申請嗎。我現在走到第7步 不給我選擇地區 又按不到 select continent 又按不到visted within 14days 😅😅😅 謝謝
请问申请完可以马上看的到申请状态吗? 因为我现在申请了 已经扣钱了 可是我去查看是显示no results found的
请问申请完可以马上看的到申请状态吗? 因为我现在申请了 已经扣钱了 可是我去查看是显示no results found的
Bet they are just choosing only those with vaccinated status to enter. There's also the Q-Code. This kind of tedious application process should be for applying for residence permit, not for tourism. It's ridiculous because Korea needs tourists' money and they are making it difficult to apply. It's not an exam. Fail to get approved for tourism? And need to pay USD8 for no guarantee of approval? Korea should just remain closed until they are ready to open normally. Is it even safe to give out personal details to such a government on a flimsy online website for 10,300 won??
妳好,我想请问一下如何把照片调至700×700 pixel呢?谢谢
請問如果通過之後 要更改飯店地址要怎麼更改呢?
你好,如果是參加旅遊社跟團旅行,是填選group tour,然後填自己憶起的家人嗎?
Hello 欣!
Q code是否要起飛🛫️前3天內才可申請?太早是不可以的?跟K-ETA 有分別?
請問三歲的小朋友要申请K -ETA跟QR code嗎..
Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do. –Steve Jobs
Hi. I want to ask about surname and given name for malay people. Do we need to include bin/binti at surname? Or just fill full name at given name. ex: ali bin ahmad & then tick at unknown surname?
Hi. I want to ask about surname and given name for malay people. Do we need to include bin/binti at surname? Or just fill full name at given name. ex: ali bin ahmad & then tick at unknown surname?
ex: KUO TI-YU 申請時填
KUO TIYU而不是KUO TI YU 這樣可以入境嗎😂
我個email 錯咗要點樣改
請問有2個要去韓國自由行 那K ETA 申請是每個人都要單獨申請 還是一個人申請 在妳影片中有陪同的人那填寫就會一起申請呢 謝謝
Hi there… may I know keta is visa and can apply early before go korea? And the qrcode is must apply or no need apply also can? Tqtq😊