星期一, 27 1 月

Mario ☞ @mariohau_
Momo☞ @momokwok

[email protected]

► Más o Menos

#墨爾本 #backpacking #澳洲

//18 days in Australia | 18日澳州遊記//
【❤️心動了】參觀澳洲留學生宿舍 | 租金只要…! | 最易認識新朋友的地方 | 自駕遊途中壞車 | 18 days in Australia Day 4

‼️想去要快了‼️ 宏偉的巨石,美如人間天堂🇦🇺 | 正被風浪摧毁的12門徒石 | 澳洲墨爾本自駕遊 | 大洋路周邊景點 | 18 days in Australia Day 3

【大洋路自駕遊(上)】被譽為最美公路旅行 一望無際的海平線 | 3日2夜民宿超正| 留學生哥哥介紹全澳最好吃的牛肉粉 | 澳洲之旅正式出發🔥 | 18 Days in Australia Day 2

澳洲🇦🇺新加坡🇸🇬香港🇭🇰 一段片帶你到3個地方 | 疫情下出國的注意事項 | 三年來的首趟旅遊 | 18 Days in Australia Day0-1

【港產嘢】為何咖啡這麼貴? | 一日咖啡農夫體驗 | 本土咖啡竟然有蝦餃味?🤯| 香港製造2.0

穿起軍裝為香港而戰 | 重演香港人保家衛國的歷史 | 戰爭的可怕 | ft. Watershed Hk | 天佑烏克蘭

【實地考察】沒落尋歡勝地 跟著50年前旅遊指南 走訪灣仔紅燈區 | 美軍在港足跡 | Fenwick Pier Ep2 (Eng Sub)

【時光旅行】回到1977年的香港!試剪「海軍頭」做一日美國水兵 | 極具殖民地色彩的旅程 | 分域碼頭拆卸前最後記錄 | 竟然出現在美軍招募廣告!! | Fenwick Pier (Eng Sub)


46 則留言

  1. A lot more to explore in Melbourne, NGV, art center, botanical garden , shrine of memorial , South Bank, south wharf, Eureka tower, City circle free tram , fitzroy garden & cooks cottage, cruise up stream of the yarra , parliament house and windsor hotel historic buildings, chatston shopping & a lot more just outside of Melbourne CBD…i ❤️ melbourne.

  2. Enjoy your melbourne!! Oh my gosh! You should have gone to Brother baba budan for coffee on Little bourke street, or even Axil Coffee Roaster is quite safe too on elizabeth street at the back of Melbourne Central. Industry Bean is amazing tooo!!!

  3. Lune is worth the wait! The CBD store is rather small, and the queue is always long. Lune’s main store in Fitzroy, on Rose Street, have more variety, but requires a tram ride from the CBD or get there by car.

  4. Love Fitzroy!! Yeah its not safe at night because a lot of the not-for-profit organisations are there and attracted certain groups of people staying there on the street

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