星期一, 24 2 月

英國深度遊 – Leeds|英國隱世小鎮行山⛰影靚相要付出代價😱河邊餐廳食意大利菜
@Heidi’s Haven in UK

Leeds 列斯係英國第四大城市,除咗有城市嘅面貌之外,周邊嘅郊區小鎮都好值得去行下。今集我會帶大家去一個隱世小鎮行山睇靚景,仲會喺鏡頭面前示範如何影靚相,要影靚相就要付出代價!之後仲去咗一間河邊餐廳食意大利菜。如果大家鍾意呢條片,歡迎免費俾個like,免費留個言,免費訂閱同免費撳我鐘仔吖🤓

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Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):

License code: 7IQF3IANRXLPGHCZ
Music by mistakeboi_ – wading… –


21 則留言

  1. Lovely video. Maybe you can do another one for the south of England, which has more job opportunities in general and people are more friendly to foreigners than in the north if I'm honest. Should be interesting to see idyllic Home County towns and cities, like Shere in Surrey. I also heard that seaside towns tend to be poorer and full of people who have drug problems. But Brighton is obviously not one of them.

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