星期四, 13 2 月

#移居 #移民新加坡 #香港人在新加坡

【 一萬訂閱 Q&A】有後悔搬來新加坡嗎?丨移居的心路歷程?丨以前從事什麼職業?丨Finally 10,000 Subscriptions!丨Moving to Singapore丨香港人在新加坡 Hong Konger in Singapore

Thanks for everyone’s support! Finally achieve 10,000 subscriptions!
Here are a list of questions I received and selected that I would answer.
開心的一萬訂閱 Q&A!! 我盡量回答你們的問題
有些是之前完全沒有提過的 很多都是肺腑之言 

The video is a bit lengthy, please refer to the timestamps below.

About Living in Singapore:
1. Would you consider to live in other countries? If it was not for your husband’s job, would you consider moving to SG? 有想過搬去其他國家嗎?(01:31)

2. What culture shock did you have in SG? (02:35)

3. The most favourite place, food & policy in SG (04:06)

4. What are your concerns as living in SG? (07:57)
在新加坡居住,有什麼值得留意/ 令人擔憂的地方?

5. Do you regret coming to SG? Lack of video content here? 有後悔搬來新加坡嗎?有足夠的影片題材?(10:37)

About Karman:
6. Do you use a filter in your video? How do you keep your outlook? 有用濾鏡嗎?如何保持外表年輕?(12:03)

7. Is your stay in SG temporarily or permanent? (15:27)

8. How did you make a living in HK? Any interesting experience in India? 在香港從事什麼工作?在印度有什麼有趣的經歷?(15:55)

9. What’s your personal journey in moving to SG? (17:16)

Related Videos:
現在搬去新加坡 最值得注意的是…丨租金急升 生活指數高企丨Top Tips for New Expats Moving to Singapore丨The Most Liveable City

移居新加坡1年 真實感受|My First Year in Singapore|回答4大常見問題|Answer 4 FAQs|習慣新生活?|Thoughts about Migration

2022 好物推介|Good Picks!!! Must-buy|安坐家中系列|Stay-home Series|From Head to Toe|四季必備|防曬大謬誤|由內而外健康美麗

ageLOC Boost 值得入手?|The latest at-home beauty device | Top 5 FAQs | MUST-KNOW Tips | 最新家用美容儀


About Me|關於我

Skin Self-consultation:
Member FREE sign-up for enjoying discounts:
[Hong Kong 🇭🇰]
[Singapore 🇸🇬]

[Hong Kong 🇭🇰]
Boost: LumiSpa: 電流 Spa:

[Singapore 🇸🇬]
Boost: LumiSpa: Galvanic Spa: ==================== 謝謝收看!



47 則留言

  1. Finally this 10,000 Subscription Q&A video is ready!! It’s the most lengthy video I’ve ever edited but the most precious experience sharing.

    Please refer in the description box above for time stamp and related links. Thanks for your support all along. Enjoy the video !! 🙌🏻

  2. 据我所知:(中学)教育部会把在大学成绩最好的新教师派去neighbourhood schools, 很多时候名校老师只是一般而已。学生在PSLE 考高分进了名校,反而沒有很耐心教他们的老师

  3. Hello Karmen, Can you comment on why Hong Kongers prefer to emigrate to UK, Canada or Australia when Singapore is so much nearer and culturally closer to HK. Is it the weather, cost of living, education, etc ? Thank you

  4. 很認同政策方面!HDB 真的很好,真的讓人能夠安居樂業,價錢及居住的面積是舒服,合理的😀 其實香港有很多美麗,充滿歷史的地方,希望你有機會回去香港時,可以 explore 香港更多,更用心去欣賞香港。

  5. On the free drinking water at most places, most probably is due to the thought of it affecting their drink sales. Which is an item that they can earn high profit from. Majority will not order drinks if the restaurant provides free drinking water.

  6. 新加坡人因為習慣了安全,前年小女出差去了倫敦,晚飯時跟幾位坡仔坡女在餐廳晚饍,他们也照樣把銀包放餐枱上。
    那夜,小女說要陪其中一人先去報警,因為整个银包不見了,包括星州 i/c, 及信用咭。幸好 passport 留在酒店。

  7. Hi Karman,
    Wow so fast you reached 10K subscribers that should feel great happy for you also. As for your kid education as a parent try to relax if you stress your kid will feel the same. Like what I always tell my friends worry would not solve your problem. If you got problem thinking will help you solve but worry will make you stress out. 👍👍

  8. My children are in secondary schools, for myself, even though my child is encouraged to go express stream, I decided normal stream so less stress and study neighbourhood school less travel time. The other child is less academic inclined so is studying in a trade school. Different route for different child.

  9. 拿到红登记,要注意:新加坡现在人口570万,政府一直要增加到690万,新加坡人反对,但政府还是很想做,再达到政府的1000万…!到时现在‘’庆幸的外国人‘’也将被外国后来者挤

  10. 有所不知,新加坡政府旧建筑保育是‘’很妙的‘’!是反对人士不断反才有今天保留,谢谢反对人士。记得当时新加坡政府官员公开回应反对人士竟说出很妙的话:旧建筑无需保留,要拆就拆,再建新的建筑,没问题,因为新的建筑多年以后又也会变成旧建筑!“很妙的逻辑!”

  11. Your family conditions for PR are very good. All the best in your application! S'pore welcomes you & your family. Irene, another Youtuber from Hong Kong has just released a video about becoming PR. The views & good points given by the supporters & viewers are quite good. You may wish to take a look.

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