星期四, 27 2 月


⚠️ 全車取得拍攝許可
⚠️ 甜點內容因季節有所變更,請事先上官網確認

00:00 請開啟CC字幕
00:05 精彩畫面
00:25 影片開場
01:09 大月車站(起點站)
01:22 富士山景觀特急列車(外觀)
01:57 巧遇另一台富士山特急列車
02:08 列車車票
02:13 第一節甜點車廂
02:56 車上有紀念章可以蓋
03:35 列車預約方式、價格介紹
04:22 前面展望風景
04:52 超巨大富士山
05:10 富士山甜點上桌囉
05:43 三款甜點介紹
06:36 兩款飲品介紹(富士山精釀啤酒必收藏!)
07:56 車內販售商品
08:50 第二、三節車廂細節
10:33 抵達河口湖站
11:52 列車搭乘心得
13:29 FUJISAN SHOKUPAN(富士山吐司專門店)
14:36 平井賣店(2F喫茶店有超大富士山)
15:42 平井賣店(1F土產店)
17:09 影片結尾



🔔 訂閱「吉田社長 Japan TV」YouTube

👉 我們的旅遊情報 FB 粉專「日本人の日本旅遊指南」

🛍️ MiCHi SHOP 日本選物社團

👉 我的日常 IG「@yoshidagakusei」

👉 我的個人 FB 粉專「吉田皓一」

✍️ 我的部落格「吉田皓一的一體兩面,不搞笑搞什麼」

#日本旅遊 #日本 #日本旅行 #日本生活 #日本自由行 #日本散步 #日本必去 #山梨 #山梨旅遊 #山梨旅行 #山梨景點 #山梨自由行 #富士山旅遊 #富士山旅行 #富士山景點 #富士山 #富士山急行 #富士山特急 #富士山景觀特急列車 #富士山甜點列車 #觀光列車 #日本甜點列車 #4K


48 則留言

  1. 2019年有去大阪搭了一輛京‧雅洛號的觀光列車,礙於觀光客真的太多,所以沒辦法好好拍照,能否拍攝一支關於京‧雅洛號的觀光列車的介紹影片呢?

  2. Hello, May I share an Old Testament Verse with you from Daniel 7:14 "And there was given him dominion, and glory, & a Kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should SERVE Him; his dominion is an Everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom shall not pass away, and His Kingdom that which shall not be destroyed."

    God the Father loves you so much that He sent Holy Sinless Jesus (His Holy Son) to earth to be born of a virgin.Then, to grow up and die on a cross for our sins. He was in the tomb for 3 days, then Father God raised Holy and Sinless Jesus Christ (Y'shua) to Life! He appeared to people and went back to Heaven. We must receive Sinless Jesus sincerely to be God's child(John 1:12).After we get saved by grace through faith in Christ, if we truly love the Lord Jesus Christ, then we will obey Jesus(John 14:15). Mark 1:15 "And saying, the time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: Repent ye, and believe the gospel." Jesus said in John 14:15 "If you love Me, keep My commandments. "There's a real hell. It says in Revelation 21:8 "But for the cowardly, & unbelieving, and abominable, and murderers, & immoral persons sorcerers & idolaters & all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire & brimstone…" Please sincerely receive Holy Jesus and put your true faith and trust in Him today & please repent. Will you have a Real encounter with Holy Lord Jesus (Y'shua is His Hebrew Name) and stay in a Genuine relationship with Him daily please?

  3. 在官方网站需要去成为会员,但唯独填写住宅的项目花了我五个小时还不成功。我一直咔在 “ご連絡先(自宅)は11文字以上で入力してください”。。。。怎么办呀?好难。。

  4. 好喜欢你们的特辑,好有趣!3年没到日本了,11月会过去东京,但只有3天的时间,估计只能做*血拼*和*增肥*了!目前要看看你们的节目复习一下。连地铁都忘了怎么搭了!谢谢你们!

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