星期日, 23 2 月



27 則留言

  1. 你好,本人也從事電工行業。但年事已高。兒子就讀中四,嚮往英國的教育制度,有意冒險移民英國。
    1 考取gold card做電工,藉此謀生。
    2 兒子升學
    冒昧請教,Solihull 的好處和壞處。

  2. 多謝分享這整個旅程,風景真係好靚,可以同家人一齊去旅行是人生一大樂事,留下一個美好的回憶。這個過程是有錢都買不到的,珍惜當下擁有的一切,現在的香港人冇得去旅行,什麼自由都欠奉啊,能夠走出來已經好幸福喔,祝你們永遠幸福快樂美滿,期待你的下一條片。多謝🙏

  3. 圓形廣場個啲排屋好出名,唔少英國電影電視都揾個啲建築物做故事背景,如我無記錯,1968年麥里斯德主演嘅新苦海孤雛內,佢富有外祖父屋所就以此地為景;當然同一位置亦出現係其他唔少影視昨品,特別18/19世紀故事,將公園同巨樹一一整裝入鏡。

  4. Those buildings are impressive. Great architecture that last, very impressive! Look at those old trees, 200, 300 years old trees on prime real estate, that tells how they treasure green space in their community.
    They usually made tart/cake much sweeter than Asian's taste, as they always eat it with coffee or tea with no sugar, so that that sweetness becomes prefect.
    Have a picnic blanket, it is much more comfortable with it. The ground was dry those days, otherwise the grass is wet and would damp your pants. Enjoy this video a lot. Thank you.

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