星期五, 7 3 月

密碼是什麼?! 喜歡我的珠寶? 您可以在購買時使用我的代碼 APRIL2021 享受 10% 的折扣! 💜 指甲來自:💛 ASMR TikTok:🤍 ASMR 亞馬遜願望清單:我的 VLOG 頻道:在哪裡可以找到我以獲得更多內容?! Twitch:Instagram:Twitter:Patreon:Spotify:Discord:Deezer:業務查詢:[email protected] #FastandAggressiveASMR #ASMR #FastASMR #MouthSounds #SpitPainting



36 則留言

  1. Yes I love the old into you had I remember watching 3 years ago back when you still experimented with the gym videos and seeing if you wanted to add vlogs or not I remember watching and that being a favorite part

  2. FIRST of all you don't owe anyone an explanation, you shouldn't have to identify yourself like some other level ish, oh Lord. Love ya the way you are, beautiful crispy skin 😁🤣😂 jk luv, but no seriously I know you have a partner RESPECT to him and y'alls

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