星期三, 12 3 月

logy 開幕五個月就獲得一星、一年後,又晉升二星。過去兩年內,主廚田原諒悟對工作極度執著:兩個月一定要換一次菜單、上菜得維持 13 分鐘的節奏……等。他以極度的自律與嚴謹,為世界打造出以亞洲料理風味為基礎的獨特料理。


Ryogo Tahara opened logy just three months into his resettlement in Taipei, a daring move which paid off when the restaurant was awarded its first star just five months after its opening. Last year, logy was elevated to new heights when it received two Michelin stars. Here, he led a Taiwanese team to create a new style of cuisine that was inspired by the terroir of Taiwan and the flavors of Asia and present it to the world stage.
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