星期六, 1 3 月

生病的刺痛,我們來了!!! 🙂 我的 VLOG 頻道:在哪裡可以找到我的更多內容?! Twitch:Instagram:Twitter:Patreon:Spotify:Discord:Deezer:業務諮詢:[email protected] 給我發郵件:PO Box 2603 Prince George, VA 23875



50 則留言

  1. i just wanted to say thank you. i woke up and could not fall asleep because i was so anxious and my mind was running a million mph. i felt so much more calm, and my heart stopped pounding and i fell back asleep. seriously thank you 🤍

  2. I am not trying to act weird but I just fell in love with your voice so can you make an asmr just talking to the camera and making little triggers it doesn't have to be really loud, and BTW the way you are the queen 👸👑of asmr and makayla is the princess

  3. Most people aren’t worth your time, but your a lover. A believer. Someone who naturally cares. It’s in your blood, your soul looking for a way out. For a way to touch other people’s lives. To try to save them. No matter how they treat you. You care too much. Love too much. Feel to much. And that’s okay, But that’s how you end up getting hurt. That’s how you end up disappointed. But that’s you, love. Don’t change for anyone. One day, it’ll all make sense. One day, you’ll understand why you are the way you are. Much love and piece to everyone reading this. 💖

  4. Just curious if you only do fast and aggressive asmr now? Some of your old videos hit hard. Not a fan of fast and aggressive, but to each their own. That’s what makes the ASMR community so diverse and unique, what makes my spine tingle annoys the next person. Here’s to hoping for some new slow and close whispers, keep up the good work!!

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