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【大胃王爆吃100顆牛肉湯餃】大胃王狂點100顆八方雲集水餃嚇壞店員!自製6公斤巨無霸牛肉湯餃!爽吃超多肉量牛肉爐!1次吃三包再吃牛肉麵!大胃王|吃播|mukbang|彰化|Eating show_傑克開吃JackStartEat
【大胃王網咖吃到飽狂吃一整夜花多少】大胃王狂點10碗泡麵嚇傻店員!$42多款飲料/冰品吃到飽!夜包8小時$260吃光網咖整本菜單美食開箱!大胃王|吃播|mukbang|台北車站|Eating show_傑克開吃JackStartEat
【丸亀製麵大胃王挑戰吃到飽破紀錄】全新天丼大胃王點太多嚇傻店員!與@diningbro吃光大盆10公斤烏龍麵&丼飯!點烏龍麵就蔥花吃到飽!大胃王|吃播|mukbang|台北車站|Eating show_傑克開吃JackStartEat
Archie_Gambling on 2022 年 3 月 26 日 上午 6:00 what is clicking its really annoying lmao love the content Reply
*_AreYouKittenMe_* :3 on 2022 年 4 月 7 日 上午 5:42 5:42 i feel bad for your neighbor’s mental health…😳 Reply
JustMaciʕ•ᴥ•ʔ☻︎ on 2022 年 4 月 12 日 上午 11:19 Your beautiful! And I love your hair and ur athstetic HOWW?! Reply
StellasOcean #WWJD on 2022 年 4 月 12 日 下午 12:46 April comes into her videos every day looking like a MATERIAL GWORRRRRRL Reply
Imisambi on 2022 年 5 月 17 日 下午 1:54 Around 1:34–1:36 think i heard you say " my arthritis " ….. I would suggest do not claim any ailment as 'mine' or 'my' ….mentally don't accept it as yours to keep.. Reply
ThatSpideyFan on 2022 年 5 月 30 日 下午 2:08 This made so relaxed, the sounds is so good and funny at some parts(espically the part where she said daddy tingles) this is a veryyyyy goodddd vid Reply
Ritik Subba on 2022 年 7 月 21 日 上午 2:55 Your asmr is so peaceful and relaxing lots love from India ❤❤ Reply
26 則留言
what is clicking its really annoying lmao love the content
Nobody doesn't like the goofiness! 🙂
Love this 💗🥀
“look at my acne scars” girl where¿
5:42 i feel bad for your neighbor’s mental health…😳
11:34 sir lewis wasn't very happy with that
There should be an award 4 this thumbnail alone! 😍
22:44 is that the jittering hamster?
Your beautiful! And I love your hair and ur athstetic
April comes into her videos every day looking like a MATERIAL GWORRRRRRL
Your personality is top tier
Wow that was tingly
she is so pretty wtf
This is incredible ❤️
15:01 a platypus?… PERRY THE PLATYPUS???
not me getting an same add
she is good
Around 1:34–1:36 think i heard you say " my arthritis " ….. I would suggest do not claim any ailment as 'mine' or 'my' ….mentally don't accept it as yours to keep..
11:30–11:50 is the best
This made so relaxed, the sounds is so good and funny at some parts(espically the part where she said daddy tingles) this is a veryyyyy goodddd vid
3 sec in and a like was given
The tennis is the culprit for the wrist issue perhaps.
Your asmr is so peaceful and relaxing lots love from India ❤❤
11:13 💕
daddy tingles