星期五, 7 3 月

使用 AprilsASMR2 在 Scentbird 的第一個月可享受 30% 的折扣 這個月我收到了… Twitch:Instagram:Twitter:Patreon:Spotify:Discord:Deezer:業務諮詢:[email protected] 給我發郵件:PO Box 2603 Prince George, VA 23875



50 則留言

  1. When U gonna address the fact that ur a half Clone of my bro??? He is named Clinton… Born in March… Very Athletic, muscular!!! Grew up on video games… Had a dog clld MAGIC!!! Grandma born in APRILl!!! U got sumn gooood goin onnnnn… Im proud of U… U are a delight to witness!!! BIGGUPS

  2. Дякую тобі за гарне АСМР відео, бажаю тобі швидкого приросту підписників, бо ти цього заслуговуєш!
    Привіт з України, красуня 🇺🇦

  3. Ik everyone is talking about how good the ASMR is or that the you dropped the video at the perfect time but… I hope you get through whatever your going through. I believe the saying goes, "This too shall pass."

  4. 15:20
    Too true I'm a grown man but when I was a child the man I thought to be my grandfather was feeding my grandmother and me rat poison he died before she did she suffered years later sadly but her Spirit…so much strength and she wasn't alone Elohim used her to speak to me and it's sad men abuse our women 😞 ASMR helps me cope the best besides substances

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