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【大胃王爆吃100顆牛肉湯餃】大胃王狂點100顆八方雲集水餃嚇壞店員!自製6公斤巨無霸牛肉湯餃!爽吃超多肉量牛肉爐!1次吃三包再吃牛肉麵!大胃王|吃播|mukbang|彰化|Eating show_傑克開吃JackStartEat
【大胃王網咖吃到飽狂吃一整夜花多少】大胃王狂點10碗泡麵嚇傻店員!$42多款飲料/冰品吃到飽!夜包8小時$260吃光網咖整本菜單美食開箱!大胃王|吃播|mukbang|台北車站|Eating show_傑克開吃JackStartEat
【丸亀製麵大胃王挑戰吃到飽破紀錄】全新天丼大胃王點太多嚇傻店員!與@diningbro吃光大盆10公斤烏龍麵&丼飯!點烏龍麵就蔥花吃到飽!大胃王|吃播|mukbang|台北車站|Eating show_傑克開吃JackStartEat
Dylan Hollywood on 2022 年 6 月 21 日 上午 4:42 Am I tweaking or she be grinning at someone there 🤔😂 Reply
Jared M on 2022 年 6 月 22 日 上午 7:15 INSANE tingles…I hate to say this but you are unlike any other asmrtist. Amazing. and thanks. Reply
Call Me Maya! on 2022 年 6 月 22 日 下午 12:21 ik this is a asmr but im just trying to figure out how u lips turneed white at 12:40 Reply
Uncle Fester on 2022 年 6 月 23 日 下午 2:20 Dentists and proctologists should play this for their patients….its utterly relaxing. Wow! Reply
Uncle Fester on 2022 年 6 月 23 日 下午 2:24 Is it just me or does anyone else notice the clock on the microwave is not set and is blinking??😬😬😬😬 Reply
nicholas doucet on 2022 年 7 月 21 日 上午 11:20 Best mouth sounds I heard yet.. no contest.. plus I love tingles.. ❤️ Reply
Juli 1412 on 2022 年 7 月 29 日 上午 6:36 First Video I saw from your channel and since the first seconds I love it! Wow! Reply
nicholas doucet on 2022 年 8 月 14 日 上午 1:48 I always come back to this video for tingles.. it's constant tingles constant mouth sounds.. U never stop.. ouff U must be tired after a video.. but I thank U!! Reply
brad caron on 2022 年 8 月 20 日 上午 3:26 Watching these every night at work. Your grind is real it’s crazy Reply
Oliver Acevedo on 2022 年 8 月 24 日 下午 11:24 A quien le abra hecho esa mirada de vete de aquí 😆 al min 34 Reply
Jacquelyn Davis on 2022 年 8 月 26 日 上午 10:23 Loud?? I didn't hear anything but you. & You were great!! Reply
Jose Cabrera on 2022 年 9 月 1 日 上午 8:06 My 2 year old Luka loves your ideas and it's our routine b4 he goes to sleep 😴 thank you for all you do this helps me put him to sleep Reply
34 則留言
Am I tweaking or she be grinning at someone there 🤔😂
INSANE tingles…I hate to say this but you are unlike any other asmrtist. Amazing. and thanks.
ik this is a asmr but im just trying to figure out how u lips turneed white at 12:40
Dentists and proctologists should play this for their patients….its utterly relaxing. Wow!
Is it just me or does anyone else notice the clock on the microwave is not set and is blinking??😬😬😬😬
Lol ur so Baddd😵😜💯
Youre great thank you for that ❤😍
Love to watch and hear her doin her stuff….
Wish that microphone was my DICK 😭🙏🏽🙏🏽
Loud loud loud….
8:06 who are you mean muggin’ here?
15:32 4:40
Bro u gott it
Thank U for tingles!! Ur excellent!!
Sunscreen can be a pain 🤣
But more pain if U don't wear it lol
Loud lol
5:27 kk
Best mouth sounds I heard yet.. no contest.. plus I love tingles.. ❤️
Do you have a Onlyfans page?
Always so good…
First Video I saw from your channel and since the first seconds I love it! Wow!
I always come back to this video for tingles.. it's constant tingles constant mouth sounds.. U never stop.. ouff U must be tired after a video.. but I thank U!!
Watching these every night at work. Your grind is real it’s crazy
A quien le abra hecho esa mirada de vete de aquí 😆 al min 34
Loud?? I didn't hear anything but you. & You were great!!
17:21, it was fast, but any idea why she made that face?
My 2 year old Luka loves your ideas and it's our routine b4 he goes to sleep 😴 thank you for all you do this helps me put him to sleep
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