星期日, 19 1 月

31 則留言

  1. Thank you so much for sharing this informative video! The following info is what we’ve found on the website of Tourism Bureau. Definitely a great area for relaxation!


    Manyueyuan Park is famous for its waterfalls. The special geography has helped for spectacular waterfalls in the park. The hills and mountains are of different heights, altitude ranging from 300 to 1,700 meters. Flora and fauna in the park are diversified and there are abundant birds here. In addition, along the Ruizai River, there are groups of butterflies. Hikers can enjoy the forests, watch the birds, and appreciate the waterfalls in the park.

    Manyueyuan Park has abundant cryptomeria trees, which was introduced from Japan in 1896. It is reported that the trees are good for health, especially for respiratory tract. There is a tour track as long as 1,210 meters, along which visitors can appreciate the maple leaves and beautiful birds. There are 16 guide boards, explaining the natural environment in Manyueyuan Park.

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