星期五, 28 2 月

家人好!!! 歡迎來到我們家庭燒烤的第五部分! 問答視頻即將發布! 如果你在 instagram 上關注我,你就會知道我的電腦最近崩潰了,這毀掉了我為我的頻道付出的大約 8 小時的辛勤工作! 我正在重新拍攝和重新編輯一切! 送給大家滿滿的愛!! xoxoxo ❤️ Fast Aggressive ASMR (1) : Fast Aggressive ASMR (2): Fast Aggressive ASMR (3): Fast Aggressive ASMR (4): Instagram: Email : [email protected] 捐贈購買相機和視頻設備: Cash app: $aprilsasmr 支付寶:



43 則留言

  1. I have to say that you are even more gorgeous here than ever. In this video looks like u were enjoying as mush as we do. Your smile have no price. I got so many tingles with it. As i said in other place, not much time i discovered u and ur work but its so special, different and plenty of quality. You must be from heaven or something like that. Keep offering us such a cool gift, we will follow u till the end of time. Thanks

  2. I don’t know why people haven’t mentioned this but I will, do you see how into it she gets and how happy she gets when she makes a noise cause she knows it’s sounds good, you can tell she’s not in it for the money.

  3. How does she know how her earrings sound like?
    April: taps earrings every time for good ASMR
    People: Stare
    More people: “What is she doing?”
    April: *puts earbuds in and hears ASMR really loudly, walks by.
    People: what is that horrible screeching
    Me: I just like it

  4. I just wanted to relax myself n not sleep…
    But this got me into deep sleep for a min i forget to stop n video or just turn of the screen..
    Gotta download this i feel the tingles instantly

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