星期二, 4 3 月

25 則留言

  1. Another golden moment that happened just after this is when the Medevac is flying away and Bob the Ragelot says "En Taro"

    Which, in the protoss language is usually followed by a name. Also usually that name is the name of a Protoss that sacrificed themselves to achieve something great for their people

    I like to imagine that Bob was saying "En Taro Crackhead" (directly translates to "May crackhead watch over you") but there wasn't a voice file for it.

  2. Thanks a lot our best friend Carbot! You are incredible and very talented! You made me fall in love with many games (especially blizzard ones: SC2, hots and Diablo 1 + 2) and your animations. To be sincere, I was very worried with you when I heard about the Activision Blizzard's lawsuit, since many of your animations are from blizzard games, I was scared that this situation could backfire on you. I wish you all the luck and happiness for you, your family and your team. You be eternally my best friend Carbot!

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