星期四, 6 3 月

我現在有一個 PATREON:💕 5-6 個額外的 ASMR 視頻,每月 3 美元。 加上照片和搶先體驗! ✨ ⚠️Coldest Giveaway:⚠️Shop The Coldest Water:⚠️使用促銷代碼“APR”可獲得整個訂單 10% 的折扣。 我的新頻道是:感謝所有支持我和我的頻道的人! 👥 業務查詢:[email protected] 🔮 Instagram:🐦 Twitter:@AprilBOfficial 🌸Tip Jar🌸 🌈 Cash app:$aprilsasmr 🌈 PAYPAL:TINGLE PARTY PATRONS ✨ Alibaba,FrizziLL,Inzax,Pat,Jordan,Curtis Jackson,Quinton Teague, E Sea Ali, Johnny A., Sebastian, Sergio Moreno, Xavier garcia, Lee, B, Flytanx, Willy Bank, Daniel Smaldore, Anthony Duarte, Jacob Malpass, Sean Krock, Azeno, Dj, Prof301, Matthew Gordon, Joseph, Jarel, Jess Lipinsky, Bryan Bravo, LightsAndClockwork, K, Jonas Metz, Cody Gutierrez, Adrian Guitron, alexxx, Jackie, pierre, Kevo jay, Humberto Munoz, David lee, Christian Gonzales, Jose E, OG XCLUSIVE, hunter752, Anthony montalvo, Alex,馬里奧·加西亞、肯頓、BunBUN、桑德拉·羅薩萊斯、馬修·戈麥斯、拉爾夫、羅里·昆蘭、科比·席爾瓦、蘭迪·米拉姆、鋼鎖、卡萊布·菲爾茲、Tableaux、A、狼、波盧克斯、喬什·H.、哈立德·阿爾薩利赫、矢野。



37 則留言

  1. May I just say your same is actually insanely good thank you I sometimes can’t go to sleep but your Asmr has helped me the most and may I say you are Beautiful ps.I’m not trying to be creepy I’m not some 40 year old man

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