我們發現了一個新的觸發器!!!!!! *__* 生日快樂 KJ 🥰 我戴的耳環: 我戴的項鍊: 💛 我自己購買了這條項鍊,但我有一個代碼可以在結賬時為您節省一些錢! 代碼:APRIL2021 僅限業務查詢:[email protected] 在哪裡可以找到我以獲得更多內容?! Twitch: Instagram: Twitter: Patreon: Spotify: Discord: Mail me: PO Box 2603 Prince George, VA 23875 7、AVR、ROD、JORD、“.”、KEVIN STINE
41 則留言
Wow this gave me tingles on a whole other level!
She is so hot🔥
Your POV: Your Sleeping And She Mutes the mic
You: OMG what happened to my earphone
(but you remember the title)
lemme take you out tonight shawty
I still have not gotten tingles. Who gets tingles?
can see the camera in her eyes im like bro i aint got no 10 inch head maybe the camera does but i dont
Do a full vid on mr. krabs lol
Я никогда в жизни не видел настолько мощной харизмы
Кажется я влюбился, идеальная девушка
I mean what a great amsr artist but more so than that prettiest woman on the planet
U look like zendaya
Love this! To help with the unmuting, look into getting a foot pedal, you should be able to connect that to your mic or computer and be able to mute an unmute by using your foot! Love the vid!
April: Does ASMR
Neighbours: "Dammit Margie, that weird neighbour is shaking her hands at that camera again."
Hola, me encanta lo que haces
I have never seen eyes that color!!!
ny kitten's name is peper
Oohhh what is that noise, is that a bomb dropping explodes
I love the vid but pls don’t repeat what you say so many times
This was the most chaotic and unorganized ASMR video I’ve have ever watch, yet it the only video I have liked over being on YouTube for many many years. The first video to ever be in my “liked videos” section. April is a master of ASMR and entertainment. Her videos are calming, yet fun, relaxing, but also hilarious and enjoyable. You can watch her videos not just for sleep, but for entertainment, because April is just the greatest. Her content is the best!
you should definitely do another video like this
you should definitely do another video like this
14:55 15:13 17:34 13:16
Anyone else dislikes the repetition of every single word 🙁 I like it more when only the tingly words get repeated
But she is talented anyway 💜
who got a big head LMAO
Anyone ever tell you that you look like Katie Holmes
Can we give a second for how nice she is and likes all comments
3:49 is when it actually starts 😀
April's collar bones tapping though! The tingles were 🤤😴🤌🔥
Side note: April, literally, ALWAYS be yourself. You're just a wonderful human. I was singing along with you "do your chain hang low?!…" 😂💪💯🔥
I got a lot of comments on this thread already, but who else loves when April has coffee?? 😂💪😂