星期二, 11 3 月

我們發現了一個新的觸發器!!!!!! *__* 生日快樂 KJ 🥰 我戴的耳環: 我戴的項鍊: 💛 我自己購買了這條項鍊,但我有一個代碼可以在結賬時為您節省一些錢! 代碼:APRIL2021 僅限業務查詢:[email protected] 在哪裡可以找到我以獲得更多內容?! Twitch: Instagram: Twitter: Patreon: Spotify: Discord: Mail me: PO Box 2603 Prince George, VA 23875 7、AVR、ROD、JORD、“.”、KEVIN STINE



41 則留言

  1. Love this! To help with the unmuting, look into getting a foot pedal, you should be able to connect that to your mic or computer and be able to mute an unmute by using your foot! Love the vid!

  2. This was the most chaotic and unorganized ASMR video I’ve have ever watch, yet it the only video I have liked over being on YouTube for many many years. The first video to ever be in my “liked videos” section. April is a master of ASMR and entertainment. Her videos are calming, yet fun, relaxing, but also hilarious and enjoyable. You can watch her videos not just for sleep, but for entertainment, because April is just the greatest. Her content is the best!

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