星期二, 4 3 月

你好,火花之家! 🙂 你們的這些作品都很棒,我希望你們喜歡這個視頻! 查看 Sparklane:並使用我的代碼 April20 購買您的訂單可享受 20% 的折扣!! 這是我的作品: 琺瑯圖章戒指(Blackletter) – 可疊放開口戒指 – 橢圓形生肖獎章 – 琺瑯狗牌(校隊) – 男朋友鏈項鍊 – 生肖圖章戒指 – 僅限業務查詢:[email protected] 在哪裡可以找到我了解更多信息內容?! Twitch: Instagram: Twitter: Patreon: Spotify: Discord: Mail me: PO Box 2603 Prince George, VA 23875 7、AVR、ROD、JORD、“.”、KEVIN STINE



21 則留言

  1. Hi I reported the scammer on Tiktok who is constantly using ur content on LIVE and getting lots of money to Tiktok, they said that it doesn't violate their terms and conditions and did nothing. U need to sue them and take legal action

  2. Man do I have a story? Here's one… One of my father's client was in town after visiting China, I met her so she gave me a bracelet, she told me it was an emerald bracelet, that I should take care of it cause it costs more than I thought, after a few days the whole thing tear apart and took it to a jewelry store, it was P L A S T I C 🤣

  3. i know this giveaway is over but I had bought a ring and I remember picking it up and I wanted to buy it really bad and the sizes only came small-medium nd large, I was a large and I picked out a large but I wanted more gold speckles in the ring so I picked one up that had more gold speckles forgetting about the sizes. i spent $10 on it and I realized in the car that it didn't fit and was to scareed to ask my mom to take me back so now I have a ring that doesn't even fit any of my fingers ;/

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