星期六, 1 2 月


💁🏼‍♂️A-D studio 影像事務所



#外國人​​​ #台灣甜點



43 則留言

  1. 豆腐跟豆花的製程很像
    好像只是在點滷的過程上面做調整 就分成豆腐跟豆花的不同
    豆花冷熱都適宜 但在冬天喝的熱豆花通常會加點薑汁 對暖身不錯 身體會比較暖活
    跟豆花很像的還有仙草蜜 還有愛玉 (愛玉就真的是天然果凍了)

  2. Ok ok ok Tofu and Tofar both are made of beans but tofu is a savory product while tofar is a sweet dessert. Ok ok! The weather has become a little chilly and you'd better prepare some hot grass jelly (燒仙草) to treat your guest.

  3. 恕我說句話…自己要介紹友人台灣的食物或是其他事,自己也要做好功課。

  4. MEP Mick Wallace recent address to the European parliament is an excellent speech. He stressed that first of all, China poverty alleviation program put into practice with millions of the poor income raise up to 30 times in the past ten years and this is never seen in human history. It's really impressive and mind blowing. Secondly, China is the world's best promoter of green energy. Look at Shenzhen with a population of about 18 million people where all the buses and taxis are all electric vehicles. The use of solar power and hydroelectric power plants really are a shock. Per capita emissions of carbon dioxide is the lowest in all the developed countries, merely one third of the United states of America while taking 60 percent of the world production. American has raged wars in the past 20years with 0.93 million people died of war and 38 million people displaced. USA has wasted 8 trillion dollars on war. Had she spent this on infrastructure and technology development, she will still be leading the world today. Thirdly, China infrastructure is just shocking the whole world with high speed rail running 40,000 kilometers now and planning to build another 35,000 kilometers rail within the future ten years. China is also helping the infrastructure of the world including poor countries under the belt and road initiative. Fourthly, China is leading the world in eliminating Covid-19 and sharing vaccines to lots of poor countries. Cooperation is better than conflict. Aggression approach to China is stupid. The principal of state sovereignty and non interference is what we need to respect. We have been led along by the nose of the Americans who have lots of interest in Mainland China and not because China is a threat to the security of the Americans but China is a threat to the American financial supremacy.


  5. 無意中發現到歐亞力的頻道!真的蠻讓人感動的!尤其這一篇見到台灣小吃!令人太懷念了!😄離開台灣20年,反倒過來看台灣,很多是又陌生又熟悉…不過;一樣在海外生活!有著一樣的心情與樂趣!支持你的頻道😊👍

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