星期五, 7 3 月

1/ 我是一名自由造型师(负责PB/Material Girl/Ledin等多品牌大片)
2/ 我运营自己的个人造型品牌—Miss帕帕
3/ 我同时也是品牌「Miss帕帕」的运营者,分享有关穿搭的一切

If you are new to the channel, please allow me to introduce myself first👇
1️⃣ I am a freelance stylist (in charge of campaigns for multiple brands such as PB, Material Girl, Ledin, etc.).
2️⃣ I run my own personal styling brand—Miss Papa.
3️⃣ I am also the operator of the brand “Miss 帕帕,” sharing everything about fashion and styling.



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