星期二, 11 3 月

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寶拉珍選 高效A醛PRO新生精華:https://reurl.cc/zDKYYV

寶拉珍選 0.3%A醇+2%補骨脂酚精華乳:https://reurl.cc/6db575

➤10/5 00:00-10/11 23:59 期間購買指定品項「高效A醛PRO新生精華」或「0.3%A醇+2%補骨脂酚精華乳」,使用Dr.Grace折扣碼【dg100】 (英文字母處全小寫)可再折NT$100 (*每個帳號限用一次,不得與其他優惠合併使用*)

#寶拉珍選 #高效A醛PRO新生精華 #指標款A醇 #A醇推薦 #抗老精華推薦

For Business Inquiries Only: [email protected]

This video is sponsored by Paula’s Choice.

Disclaimer: This video is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment or medical advice. Content provided on this Youtube channel is for informational purposes only. Please consult with a physician or other healthcare professional regarding any medical or health related diagnosis or treatment options. Information on this Youtube channel should not be considered as a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional. The statements made about specific products throughout this video are not to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.



47 則留言

  1. 用掉好幾瓶露得清那瓶A醇,休息一陣後換試寶拉珍選0.3%這瓶,結果臉腫得跟豬頭一樣😅 不是想拆台的意思,只是提醒大家初次換這種有刺激性的產品還是要先試在身體其他部位測試看看,不要直接往臉上擦😅

  2. 請問您我用了Paul’s Choice 的 1% Retinol treatment w/ Peptides. Vitamin C for all skin types 後,(此產品是我買Vitamin C 時兩罐一起出售的)臉部多處起紅塊己一個多,月,我用Aloe Vera Gel, Hydrocortisone 1/2% cream anti Antipruritic. …w/ Aloe. 還未痊癒。
    這之前用過它的C,晚上用Neutrogina night cream (w/retinol ) 都沒任何問題。
    請教Dr. grace, 我應如何處理?謝謝!

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