星期三, 26 2 月

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【在亞馬遜買如果超過$60美金以上免費寄台灣】*產品要寫Free shipping to Taiwan if over $60

膚色美不油膩敏感肌也適合 (要UV Clear 不是UV Daily) Elta MD UV Clear SPF 46: https://amzn.to/3QRtosF
水狀輕盈會提亮 Isdin Foto Ultralight Emulsion SPF 50: https://amzn.to/4bK1SFA
防曬新境界/防曬班老化超強 La Roche Posay UVMUNE 400 Hydrating Cream SPF50: https://amzn.to/3nfaUqm (英國亞馬遜有賣,美國買不到)
輕盈不油膩面霜+防曬 CeraVe Ultra-Light Moisturizing Lotion SPF 30: https://amzn.to/4dNsjvC
愛用身體防曬 Bondi Sands SPF 50: https://amzn.to/3wBV263
愛用身體防曬 Eucerin advanced hydration: https://amzn.to/3WRi83n

✦2023 最愛用防曬

潤色防藍光 Neutrogena Purescreen Tinted SPF 30: https://amzn.to/449OEii
水狀膚色超美 mousse Neutrogena Hydro Boost Hyaluronic Acid SPF 50: https://amzn.to/3L8MMxm
防曬新境界/防曬班老化超強 La Roche Posay UVMUNE 400 Hydrating Cream SPF50: https://amzn.to/3nfaUqm (英國亞馬遜有賣,美國買不到)
身體清爽水感 Aveeno Protect/Hydrate SPF 60: https://amzn.to/426ofQv

✦ 補搽防曬愛用
【在亞馬遜買如果超過$60美金以上免費寄台灣】*產品要寫Free shipping to Taiwan if over $60
自然貼妝礦物蜜粉 Colorescience Brush on Mineral Powder: https://amzn.to/3BkTuMj
礦物粉餅 (Shade 1 Translucent) Physician’s Formula Pressed Powder: https://amzn.to/44Towsi
水狀防曬乳La Roche-Posay Anthelios Shaka Fluid Invisible: https://amzn.to/3M2b7FA
海綿 Make up face puff: https://amzn.to/3I6orb2

✦ CeraVe 愛用

保濕強效洗面乳 Hydrating Foaming Oil Cleanser: https://amzn.to/45SMkfx
輕盈不油膩面霜+防曬 Ultra-light Lotion SPF 30: https://amzn.to/44zq4qa
超輕薄面霜 Ultra-light Gel: https://amzn.to/45Eh3xd
輕盈不油膩面霜+防曬 Cerave Ultra-light Lotion SPF 30: https://amzn.to/44zq4qa
溫和抗皺A醇 Cerave Retinol Serum : https://amzn.to/3Gp7EPm
愛用保濕慢老晚霜 (又有貨了!) Cerave Renewing Night Cream: https://amzn.to/3U9efm7

✦ 愛用Peptides

最多Peptides精華 The Ordinary Peptides: https://amzn.to/406iNgT
Q10 + Matrixyl 3000 精華 Timeless CoQ10: https://amzn.to/3s3d7rm
有效果脖子淡皺霜 Drmtlgy Advanced Neck Cream: https://amzn.to/474nWIo

For Business Inquiries Only: [email protected]

No product mentioned in this video was a collaboration with a brand.

Disclaimer: This video is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment or medical advice. Content provided on this Youtube channel is for informational purposes only. Please consult with a physician or other healthcare professional regarding any medical or health related diagnosis or treatment options. Information on this Youtube channel should not be considered as a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional. The statements made about specific products throughout this video are not to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Above are affiliate links.



20 則留言

  1. 我喜歡日本的 Allie Gel UV EX 這款,用了好幾條,它是物理跟化學結合的防曬霜,防水抗摩擦係數也夠,平價又很大罐,研究成份真的UVA跟UVB都覆蓋得到,實際使用下來確實沒曬黑,日常生活很好用。還有韓國的SCINIC跟Beauty of Joseon 的使用感也很棒,這兩款的成分很相似,主要防曬劑都是用新型化學防曬成分Tinosorb S,沒有干擾荷爾蒙的問題(重要!),用起來蠻清爽,可以重複擦也很OK,而且都有第三方實驗室認證具有高效的UVA、UVB防曬效果,但不防水,適合平日使用。以上都屬於相當平價的防曬商品,推薦預算有限的朋友使用,也希望有機會聽見Grace介紹這幾款商品。
    P.S 對了,我有用過Cerave SPF30那條,人在紐約附近,我是混合偏乾的熟齡膚質,覺得不知為什麼上臉之後過幾個小時好像有點反黑,而且臉變得有點油,可能我這裡比Grace住的地區潮濕吧…

  2. 我也最喜欢UVMune400, 之前在欧洲买的,但是每天reapply一次以上的时候,你有没有发现皮肤变更黄色?据说是挡住了紫色波长还是怎样 但是明显的更黄了

  3. Isdin 真的很厲害很好用,我和Grace一樣,也是去西班牙玩的時候想說嘗試一下當地的防曬,一用之下驚為天人。我當時買的是潤色款的,所以連粉底液都不用上。住歐洲的網友真有福~

    Elta MD 一直久聞大名,不過價錢偏貴,有機會再來試試。那款La Roche Posay 在Amazon UK現在沒貨,超想嘗試!CeraVe ultra light很好用,我的大乾肌只能在夏天和去熱帶國家時用,我覺得很適合男生。

    謝謝Grace 分享❤

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