星期五, 31 1 月

訂閱【綜藝風向標】綜藝八卦全知道! ► http://bit.ly/showfever ▹▹重磅推薦◃◃ 「華語Live現場:綜藝裡的天籟詠歌」:https://bit.ly/34FhYmP 「娛樂頭條Latest Hit News:第一手明星動向」:https://bit.ly/3uPgt0c 「新劇最愛看:最爆笑|最甜蜜|最刺激|最虐最好看的電視劇」:https://bit.ly/3JkL7lU ▹▹更多精彩專題◃◃ 〔娛樂最頭條〕http://bit.ly/36l48RE 〔愛豆大拷問〕http://bit.ly/2vHz9wU 〔綜藝最熱門〕http://bit.ly/2qBY1t3


47 則留言

  1. If I denigrate and exclude the music of singers because of their crimes, it is disrespectful to the art of music, and if I deny the crimes committed by them because of their music, it is disrespectful to the law and to the countless people who have paid for it.

  2. 福禄寿乐队-杜雪儿涉毒😥“可惜盛开的花海是婴粟花🌷,飞来的燕子是乌鸦🐦”“我的白马再也回不来了🍃,留下的只有那沾满毒品的琴弦🌾”“塌房是对缉毒警察的致敬😇,歌不下架是对艺术的尊重😄”“杜雪儿啊,一手好牌被你打的稀烂…😔”

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