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10 則留言
At 3.04.00. The idiot father still standing next to the enemy even when the son appeared. He should run back to the island or far from the enemy. Not brain. Should just perished. Smh
At 3.18.38 How did the parent got caught ? Already so many times happened like this, yet the hero and his so call general never protect them before the fight. Really cannot imagine how stupid even the hero can be. Smh.
At 3.20.00. His cousin committed so many serious crimes and the hero let him go ? Got all the proof yet let go. WTF. Logic here is getting ridiculous.
這種都市重生的 都一身窮酸夾克一路穿到底
主角真它馬垃圾 再強也是一身爛穿著
都有錢有勢了 還是一身穿著沒變….等人打臉然後裝逼