星期一, 3 3 月

#osaka #大阪自由行 #大阪グルメ
#大阪美食 #osakatrip #travelvlog
#travelosaka #大阪

[不一樣的大阪 Vlog ] 大阪自由行2023 . OSAKA Travel Vlog [EP06] Day 2.5 | Shin-Osaka . Very Popular Sea Bream Ramen Shop | 4K ASMR
新大阪駅 超人氣鯛魚湯拉麵店

Next Destination :
Maru de Sankaku . Shin-Osaka

下一目的地 :

Follow me : ​⁠​⁠​⁠ ​⁠ ​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠@dingdingcitywalker

🎥 Filmed : 2023/5/7

Dear All, Welcome to my channel. Thank you for coming by traveling with me. In this video, we walked to Tennoji Station to our next destination Shin-Osaka Maru de Sankaku for Japanese ramen. This was really a great restaurant to us. I also recorded the sound of rain in this video because it was really heavy rain. So, please wear earphone or headphone when you watch this video. You will feel so relaxing. By the way, it is the last video for Day 2. It was a busy day. Please keep following me and traveling with me.

Please support me by Subscribe & Like my channel.

親愛的大家,歡迎來到我的頻道。 謝謝你來和我一起旅行。 在這個視頻中,我們步行到天王寺站前往下一個目的地新大阪, 鯛白湯吃日本拉麵。 這對我們來說確實是一家很棒的餐廳。 我在這個視頻中錄製了雨聲,因為雨真的很大。 所以,觀看本視頻時請戴上耳機或耳機。 你會感覺很放鬆。 順便說一下,這是第二天的最後一個視頻。這一天很忙碌。 請繼續關注我,和我一起旅行。


ℹ️ Shin-Ōsaka Station

📍Google Map
Maru de Sankaku . Shin-Osaka

👀 In this Video :
Tramway sound, Rain sound, Tramway Ride, Shin-Osaka Station, Maru de Sankaku, Japanese Ramen, Fried Chicken etc.

*** ***
Featured Videos | 影片精選

👉 Japan . Osaka . Travel Vlog
日本大阪旅遊 2023

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👉 DingDingDongDong CityWalk
​⁠​⁠​⁠ ​⁠ ​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠@dingdingcitywalker

👉 HongKongCityWalk
​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠@hongkongcitywalk ​⁠


Tags for Content :

Tags for Channel :
#asmrwalker #citywalker
#travelhongkong #vlog
#hongkong #香港

Please note channel’s name changed from DingDingDongDong Citywalk to DingDingCitywalker since 1 Sept 2023.
Please support me by SUBSCRIBE my channel to let my channel grow. Thank You. 🙏

Copyright ©️DingDingCitywalker. All Right Reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal.


🍿 See You in Next Video :
Travel Vlog 2023 . Osaka Japan
EP06 | Day3.1

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[不一樣的大阪 Vlog ] 大阪自由行2023


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