星期四, 26 12 月

訂閱【綜藝風向標】綜藝八卦全知道! ► http://bit.ly/showfever ▹▹重磅推薦◃◃ 「華語Live現場:綜藝裡的天籟詠歌」:https://bit.ly/34FhYmP 「娛樂頭條Latest Hit News:第一手明星動向」:https://bit.ly/3uPgt0c 「新劇最愛看:最爆笑|最甜蜜|最刺激|最虐最好看的電視劇」:https://bit.ly/3JkL7lU ▹▹更多精彩專題◃◃ 〔娛樂最頭條〕http://bit.ly/36l48RE 〔愛豆大拷問〕http://bit.ly/2vHz9wU 〔綜藝最熱門〕http://bit.ly/2qBY1t3


28 則留言

  1. What is the name of this drama? Is this the newest one of Tan song Yun? I'm still watching master of my own, which I enjoy very much. Got it: Road to Home, it is a promising sweet love, but … I wonder ..I think it is going to be a great drama.

  2. 松韻,是我最鍾意女藝人之一
    ,有他的劇我必定看看 ,相信一定是好看,期待😚 何時才能播出嚟 ? 祝福松韻幸福快樂🆗💕💕🎉🎉🌹🌹

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