星期四, 19 12 月

訂閱【綜藝風向標】綜藝八卦全知道! ► http://bit.ly/showfever 看【奔跑吧】整片:https://youtu.be/vEqpT2eL3nA 訂閱奔奔一起溫暖開跑:http://bitly.com/runningmanchina – 觀看更多More Fun ·《奔跑吧10》FULL:https://bit.ly/3w51SxC ·《奔跑吧10》CLIP:https://bit.ly/3LZckfG ·《跑男來了10》:https://bit.ly/3Pi464w ·獨家未播/幕後:https://bit.ly/3yAourw ● 歡迎訂閱SUBSCRIBE 王牌頻道YouTube:https://bit.ly/3El9TjtAceVSAce 浙江衛視YouTube:http://bitly.com/zhejiangtv 奔跑吧YouTube:http://bitly.com/runningmanchina 浙江音樂YouTube:http://bit.ly/singchina


23 則留言

  1. 深深說起 被歧視的經過時 也是以搞笑的方式表達 我有看過那個無禮主播的視頻 真的很傷人 周深真的就像他說過的 射到他身上的刺 他就拔下來自己吞下去 經過那麼些年他終於有了自己的一席之地 希望往後的日子在生米的陪伴下能一路生花

  2. Too good. Love our multi-voice, multi-talented, often hilarious Zhou Shen. I could literally watch hours of his antics and never get bored, he is an absolute blessing.
    My only wish is that I could understand Mandarin or that everything of his had English sub-titles.

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