星期二, 1 10 月


Welcome back to the second episode of our adventure at the Disney California Adventure Park! We’ve had an amazing time exploring this park and we’re already making plans to come back in the future. Just like in the previous video, I’ve included timestamps so you can easily navigate to your preferred sections. Let’s get started!

▬ Chapters of this video ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

00:00 – Intro 簡介

00:21 – Hollywood Land 好萊塢世界

00:34 – Five & Dime 五加一爵士樂團

00:57 – Schmoozies! 施莫斯奶昔店!

01:12 – Animation Academy 動畫學院

01:26 – Turtle Talk With Crush 龜龜的談心時間

02:00 – Off the Page “頁面外”禮品店

02:42 – Gone Hollywood “去了好萊塢”禮品店

03:00 – Grizzly Peak 灰熊峰樂園

03:32 – Soarin’ Around the World 飛越世界,翱翔天際

04:50 – Smokejumpers Grill 空降兵燒烤

05:50 – Humphrey’s Service and Supplies 漢弗萊的服務和用品

06:35 – Grizzly River Run 灰熊河泛舟

07:20 – Rushin’ River Outfitters 急流河服飾店

08:00 – Paradise Gardens Park 遊行花園

08:05 – The Little Mermaid ~ Ariel’s Undersea Adventure 小美人魚 ~ 艾莉兒的海底冒險

09:55 – Seaside Souvenirs 海邊紀念品

10:33 – Operation: Playtime! – featuring the Green Army Patrol 行動代號: 玩耍時間! – 綠軍巡邏隊

11:00 – Pixar Pier 皮克斯碼頭

11:05 – Incredicoaster 超特攻雲霄飛車

14:05 – Jessie’s Critter Carousel 翠絲和小動物們的旋轉木馬

14:18 – Bing Bong’s Sweet Stuff 賓邦的甜食

14:50 – Inside Out: Emotional Whirlwind 腦筋急轉彎: 情緒漩渦!

14:55 – Pixar Pal-A-Round 皮克斯夥伴摩天輪

15:40 – Pacific Wharf 環太平洋港灣

16:47 – Golden Zephyr 金色和風號

16:52 – Corn Dog Castle 玉米熱狗城堡

17:03 – World of Color – ONE 彩色世界

21:10 – Elias & Co. 埃利亞斯公司

#disney #迪士尼 #California #Cycling #TaiwanCycling #單車旅行 #Hiking #登山 #Trekking #健行 #Backpacking #背包旅行 #DIY #CampingGears #露營用品 #Camping #露營 #BikeNCamp #台灣野營 #TaiwanCamping #單車露營 #Bikepacking #Outdoors #campmeal #戶外用品 #野餐 #Solocamping #單人露營 #野炊


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