星期六, 29 3 月

★路線Itinerary★ ■ ★騎行裝備Riding Gears★ ■ 頭盔Helmet:Nexx Helmet Malaysia ■ 手套Gloves:Five Gloves Malaysia ■ 無線通訊Wireless intercom: Cardo Malaysia ★攝影器材Filming equipment★ ■ Insta360 ONE X3: ■ Insta360 ONE RS: ■ #insta360 One R: ■ Insta360 One X2: ■ Huawei P30 ■ DJI Mavic Air #女騎#摩旅#insta360motorcycle


21 則留言

  1. Yes Cecilia I see you again in Thailand. Wow it is so nice to meet fellow Malaysian bikers in Thailand and able to chat with them. They went by 150cc bikes and it feels so good to know that even 150cc bikes can make it to Thailand. Yes Cecilia you have one RS150 too, I got one recently too. A secondhand one 2016 model V1 which only had 1500 kms to the meter. Like brand new for only Rm4,500.00.
    Yes the road in Thailand looks so good and should be a very good ride. The uncle you met is so adventurous and steady riding alone, he is one year my junior and my hat off to him. The view on the mountain tops is so beautiful with the sea of cloud or mist. These mountainous road should be very exciting to ride and hope to see your next episode. You take care and stay safe. Bye.

  2. Awesome Cecilia! I luv your adventures. The 68 uncle is so inspiring for those in the age group. Wow the sea of clouds just like what I saw at Betong skywalk this morning. Ride on n stay safe 👍

  3. 絕了,竟然還有泰北存貨現在才放出來,啊,我醉了,好美啊!那位Chai泰國先生說的Wien kien也很美,我有看過其他人去那裡自由行,很純樸然後風光明媚的地方。

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