星期三, 26 2 月

#外國人#綜藝節目將從外國友人看中國的角度切入,以“湖北元素、中國故事、國際共鳴”為節目宗旨,每期將邀請多位外國友人,講述他們妙趣橫生的“中國故事”,展現他們與中國相關的情感故事、特殊經歷,以他們的視角由點到面展現中國文化、政治、經濟的國際傳播影響力。 ►播放列表:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLj8WJnZ7vUGeCvgy6-n__JLSbiannvL2O ►歡迎訂閱:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3F4faaDkeGqun0LoM_k5JQ/featured?sub_confirmation=1 【王芳王為念訪談】:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QJQZgXaB8c&list=PLj8WJnZ7vUGc-FVpnwYzWkibz7d4AGhLA&index=1 【中國好故事】:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQZe02Sy7p0&list=PLj8WJnZ7vUGfhqRBmvG_EOQThQkMtQBN9&index=1&t=18s 【俄國人在中國】:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6fkO9GbuuI&list=PLj8WJnZ7vUGdlL-I8RnlbPgJacw8jhXg1&index=1 【星訪談】:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qf1JWxIGPJk&list=PLj8WJnZ7vUGfa-Mk3TcgFi8F2M5hGN1z1&index=1


5 則留言

  1. 1). Today, I just bored and accidentally watch this program. 2). Thanks Chinese lead your people always w/love and in a long way to get the result. 3). And excellent program one after the other. 4). And I was born in Wuhan in the yr. of 1948 and grew up in Taiwan, came to the USA when I was 27, right now 75, I am very appreciated China did everything to this world, I also saw the result all the races just more admire and respect our race and no matter where I go. on 7/1/2023, from: Oakland, Ca. USA.

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