星期六, 21 12 月

我用的色號是10, 詳細心得就看影片吧
完整中英文品名: 香奈兒時尚裸光果凍氣墊粉餅 CHANEL LES BEIGES Touche De Teint Belle Mine Healthy Glow Gel Touch Foundation
✌ More Catie ⇊ ————————­—————————
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希望能透過大家的努力, 讓我們製作的影片給世界上更多人看到☺

Hope you enjoy this video!
XO – Catie

✌ FAQ ⇊ ————————­—————————
What camera do you use使用的相機: Panasonic GF7
What’s your skin type我的膚質: Normal to dry中性(眼下偏乾)
What software do you use to edit video影像剪輯軟體: 威力導演

This is NOT a sponsored video!



47 則留言

  1. Hello Catie,請問香奈兒黑盒那款粉餅好用嗎?定裝的粉餅哦?好像只見你有粉底液的測試,都沒有定妝粉餅的測試呢,可否出一個香奈兒粉餅的測試呢?

  2. Thank you for this review. I am looking to replace the discontinued healthy glow fluid. I might try this. Does the compact last a long time without running out? My healthy glow fluid 30ml used to last me 8 months…

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