星期三, 26 2 月

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35 則留言

  1. Decent donghua, if you like one where all the focus is on how a male MC level up, as well as 3D action.
    Boring for me though, coz there's practically nothing much else. The usual 3D emotionless characters. No female characters worth paying attention to. So-so story. I still prefer 2D animation. The characters are much livelier.

  2. 看完第一季了 來評價一下吧! 主角是個腦殘記不起教訓一而再再而三的犯了很多次同樣的錯誤 美術打鬥設計還不錯 只不過劇情有點不行太草率了 最後的聖主 2 3分鐘就結束了 有點廢 其實還有很多缺點 我懶得再說了 就這樣吧!

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