星期五, 7 3 月

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– Time deal : Set will be available for 55% OFF from midnight June 18th until stocks last

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All deals exclusively available at the COSRX Official Store : https://bit.ly/CosrxTW618Promotion

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This video is sponsored by Cosrx.

Disclaimer: This video is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment or medical advice. Content provided on this Youtube channel is for informational purposes only. Please consult with a physician or other healthcare professional regarding any medical or health related diagnosis or treatment options. Information on this Youtube channel should not be considered as a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional. The statements made about specific products throughout this video are not to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.



27 則留言

  1. 感謝Grace,我按照你建議的方法使用了A醇,皮膚真的有改善,在這裡,也和大家分享一下我對A醇的使用感受和效果,也許大家可以參考一下。
    8/4/2023開始轉用Dr. Wu的超A醇煥顏緊致精華1.5%,同樣是初期間斷使用,直到28/5/2023轉為每天使用至今。

  2. Dr. Grace, 我最近看一个整容医生说,A酸和A醇这个系列的产品是祛油脂为目的的,在护肤的同时,也会消耗掉女人脸上baby fat让皮肤缺少支撑。我觉得有道理耶,你觉得呢?

  3. 我想請教Dr. Grace一件事情。

  4. 几个月前开始使用A醇,但开始使用不久额头就冒了很多痘痘,有红肿型的也有脓疱型的。痘痘好了又长新的,持续了好几个月。上个月停用了A醇痘痘就不长了。想请问这是正常的吗?有点担心不敢继续用噢 😣

  5. 記得Dr Grace說a醇最好是第一個上臉的保養品,想請問其他功能的精華液是在a醇之後使用嗎?或是一旦晚上用了a醇就不建議再使用其他產品了呢?

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