星期一, 24 2 月

想來打實彈?歡迎來找黑熊團隊安排!聯繫GuruGo旅遊通 套裝行程、機票、機場接送、快速通關、包車、各類團體旅遊安排。

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37 則留言

  1. 真羨慕泰國 台灣在這方面就落後泰國了 政府怕死 思想封閉 台灣長期受到對岸的武力威脅 最有可能發生戰爭的地方 卻不能有軍用槍械的民間靶場 真的是笑話

  2. 聽說STOP POWER強大,我沒打過45ACP,打9mm手槍後座力比打357麥林左輪還要大,我覺得手槍重重的slide往後推的反作用力比子彈本身還要大,左輪全鋼製很沉但有效中和後座力。

  3. At 8:54/11:19, when the pistol was drawn from the holster, the muzzle of the pistol was pointing backward. It's good that the muzzle was point away from you but not so good for someone standing behind you in case of an accidental discharge. When drawing from a holster, rotate the pistol to point forward immediately once the muzzle is cleared of the holster, it's not only much safer but also enable to to acquire the target down range much faster.

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