星期日, 22 12 月

#薩拉曼卡#西班牙旅遊#世界文化遺產薩拉曼卡因歷史而厚重深沉因建築而金光閃耀因學子而青春永續因托爾梅斯河而浪漫清靈她是西班牙最古老的大學城悠久的歷史沉積在滿城金色砂岩的建築裡陽光下熠熠生輝800年來,西班牙眾多領域的出類拔萃者從這裡開啟他們的登峰造極之旅改變世界的哥倫布的船還沒有下海但他堅持地圓說向西航行也能到達東方的思想已經從薩拉曼卡揚帆啟航Salamanca thick and deep with history Shine golden with architecture Perpetual youth because of students Romantic and refreshing because of the Tormes River She is the oldest university city in Spain A long history is deposited in the golden sandstone buildings all over the city shining in the sun 800 years of Spanish excellence in many fields Start their journey to the top from here Columbus’ ship that changed the world hasn’t set sail yet But he insisted on the roundness of the earth and the idea that sailing west can also reach the east has set sail from Salamanca


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