Share Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest Email 分享我這十年來在曼谷包車時,泰國司機跟我計費的方式,包括計費項目,供大家參考。 I am sharing the price I paid for hiring a … BANGKOK Driver ENG Hiring Price Private Sub._Lyndi Van 曼谷包車泰國人價格大公開 泰國自由行 玩什麼
2LoveIn on 2023 年 2 月 19 日 下午 10:54 Thank you for sharing, so nice to have such videos to inform us well on what Thailand is all about.👍 Reply
Nancy Luk on 2023 年 6 月 7 日 上午 12:11 Thanks for sharing, can I ask if you can give me some contact for Bangkok one day 包車服務 Reply
9 則留言
0:13 太犧牲了啦 哈哈哈
要如何找到包車的管道? 會在機場就有招攬客人的司機嗎?
This is great info!
Thank you for sharing, so nice to have such videos to inform us well on what Thailand is all about.👍
Hello, can I ask where to find this driver service?
CC for English subtitles not showing
請問可以給我泰國包車的公司資訊嗎 最近要去曼谷想包車
Thanks for sharing, can I ask if you can give me some contact for Bangkok one day 包車服務