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Moving Socks on 2023 年 3 月 29 日 下午 6:56 Go to To get the two year plan with an exclusive deal PLUS 4 bonus month free! It’s risk free with NordVPN’s 30 day money back guarantee! Reply
Margaret Li on 2023 年 4 月 5 日 下午 10:59 What a lovely journey, and thanks for introducing the importance of using VPN !!😊 Reply
Karuna Wood Road on 2023 年 4 月 13 日 下午 8:41 多謝你哋拍咗呢條片! 喺歐洲識過一個人話佢來自Cyprus,當時我以為係一個戰亂地方,點知原來係咁靚! 阿菲好似化個妝唔同咗?睇落靚咗!👍🏼Stevo好得意!🙂 Reply
24 則留言
Go to
To get the two year plan with an exclusive deal PLUS 4 bonus month free!
It’s risk free with NordVPN’s 30 day money back guarantee!
Please don’t touch… 回條友:DLLMGCFH
8:06 😂 I am not feeling the love
菲,希臘 (臘腸的臘,臘筆的臘),所以與 “獵” 不同讀音,如獵人和獵槍等,很多人都會錯把希臘讀成希獵。😊
Thanks very much…happy couple !🎉❤
多謝你們為人民帶來開心嘅正能量,So Sweet 👩🏻❤️💋👨🏻❤
3:13 部steam deck好吸引
I like Cookie monster too!!!
What a lovely journey, and thanks for introducing the importance of using VPN !!😊
正 有中英文字幕!