星期五, 24 1 月

訂閱【綜藝風向標】綜藝八卦全知道! ► http://bit.ly/showfever 🔥《披荊斬棘》第二季🔥精彩合輯【每週六】轉免完整版:https://bit.ly/3c3iL4I ▶《我想和你唱》第二季官方播放列表:http://bit.ly/2pFhIOG ▹▹更多精彩專題◃◃ 〔娛樂最頭條〕http://bit.ly/36l48RE 〔愛豆大拷問〕http://bit.ly/2vHz9wU 〔綜藝最熱門〕http://bit.ly/2qBY1t3 #披荊斬棘的哥哥#披荊斬棘#信樂團


49 則留言

  1. Xin has very addictive vocal. His slow songs l love alot, too. Lots of feelings and very touching. Watch I'm a singer, his last song, 抹班车。so touching but because he was sick but still sung well. Admire his professionalism.

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