星期五, 5 7 月

訂閱【綜藝風向標】綜藝八卦全知道! ► http://bit.ly/showfever 愛奇藝心動劇場精彩指路: 《蒼蘭訣》:https://bit.ly/3MwZ6qZ ▹▹更多精彩專題◃◃ 〔娛樂最頭條〕http://bit.ly/36l48RE 〔愛豆大拷問〕http://bit.ly/2vHz9wU 〔綜藝最熱門〕http://bit.ly/2qBY1t3 #王鶴棣#虞書欣#love between fairy and devil


26 則留言

  1. Thanks….really really loved this drama series"Love Between Fairy and Evil"…Dylan Wang and Esther Yu perfect chemistry….awesome….very enthusiastic actors 👍👍👍….Congrats to all the cast especially the Director who makes this drama be a successful as well as their costumes fabulous…. excellent 👍👍👍 looking forward for season 2 💜💜💜

  2. 一直都想知道为何是他俩被选中参演这部剧~ 如果是其他演员又会是怎么样的一个结果?真没想到王鹤棣把東方青蒼演活了,这部已经是封神劇了~给幕后团队们👍

  3. 小說其實沒有戲劇這麼有內容,小說比較簡單一點,戲劇真的多了很多東西~而且也非常恰到好處的展現出她們想要表達的,因為愛你,所以我活出更好的自己

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