星期日, 22 12 月

訂閱【綜藝風向標】綜藝八卦全知道! ► http://bit.ly/showfever 深深熱門綜藝打包看!浙江衛視YouTube:http://bitly.com/zhejiangtv 【奔跑吧】整片:https://youtu.be/vEqpT2eL3nA 《青春環遊記2》FULL:https://bit.ly/2Y4j2t5 #週深#zhoushen


27 則留言

  1. 周深现场演唱的 《I See Us》 深情有气势,超级好听,《花开忘忧》好听又有意义,绝美吟唱太震撼了,因为有深深的陪伴,这个中秋节太幸福了,祝福深深健康平安幸福。

  2. To Zhou Shen 周深with L❤️VE.
    In the city of stars
    We seek out for thee!
    Zhou Shen! You’re the one star
    That shines so brightly!
    🤩⭐️😍🌟 🤩⭐️😍🌟
    In the city of million stars
    We know exactly where you are!
    Your voice echoes tis’ leads to you
    So pure. So elegant and so cute!
    🤩⭐️😍🌟 🤩⭐️😍🌟
    In the city of stars
    Where many gathered from afar
    In the festival of the shining moon 🌝
    We’re enchanted by your sing n’ your croon.
    L❤️VE Y💜U F💚REVER 🤗ZH❤️‍🩹U SHEN⭐️.

  3. Zhou Shen's voice is pure, feather light and crystal clear.

    I think what sets him apart from other male singers is that his high notes are not forced. It just comes naturally to him. When others hits those incredible high ranges we subconsciously know that it's a man singing but when Zhou Shen sings, if we didn't know that it was him singing, it could be easily mistaken for a soprano. When you listen to him sing you don't hear the "fakeness" that we'll hear when other male singers sing at a certain range.

    I don't even need to explain his breath-y voice….. that is just as soft as a snow flake. His voice has that magical quality that the other singers seems to lack. There are thousands and thousands of amazing male singers with similar or extreme vocal range but not all of them have this pure and downright ethereal qualities of Zhou Shen.

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