星期二, 4 3 月

第三站: 工業強國 – 德國🚉
因為確實沒有什麼特別地方想去 只是因為鄰近荷蘭和比利時順便一去😂
感覺上德國人也不是太有善 好像長期板起臉孔 不喜愛微笑🙂 (和香港差不多⋯)
但海德堡真的是選對了 風景超級美麗 每一張相影出來都似明信片
也有熱情的德國阿姨和我們閑談 說她和丈夫度蜜月的地方就是香港

The First Impression of Germany is not that good coz everyone is staring at us with stone-cold faces, looks are we are some weird creatures they have never seen (maybe becoz they seldom meet Asian tourists?) Compared to the Dutch and Belgian, Germans are relatively more alike to Hong Kong people – cooler, ruder yet more efficient.😂😂 Heidelberg is a pretty place with an amazing view and interesting historical buildings. Definitely worth visiting if you are visiting cologne and trying to find a nearby city for a day trip like us.
Background Music:
Welcome to the Show – Sunshine blvd
Old Yahzoo – The Boswell Sister
#德國 #海德堡 #歐洲 #heidelberg #germany #germanytravel #german #beerhouse #christmasmarkets #germanylife #Schlossheidelberg #heidelbergtravel #europetravel #中世紀古城 #beer #聖誕市集 #老橋 #火車站 #炸豬扒 #germanybeer #Brückenaffe #海德堡城堡 #hongkonger #海德堡老橋銅猴 #holidaymarket #德國啤酒 #travelvlog #boattrip #finnair


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