星期一, 8 7 月

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46 則留言

  1. 感謝有像這樣子採訪的節目讓我們看到棣棣深層的那一面,是有內容的一個人

  2. 疲惫是自己给自己的,这句话很受用。看了苍兰诀后才知道了王鹤棣,随着慢慢了解,也第一次明白了什么是宝藏男孩。希望他可以带给我们越来越好的作品吧。

  3. 好喜歡真實的棣棣,那個永遠都熱血又中二又帥氣的棣棣。


    祝棣棣 永遠健康、快樂、平靜。


  4. 隸隸,真是一個很真誠的男孩,期待他未來的每一個演出,希望在未來的劇裡面,他都能夠真誠演出一個角色,最後他能夠成就他自己的一個生命故事,他是可以向馬龍白蘭度那樣的高度的演員,可能也可以像勞勃瑞福那樣,又帥又好的一個演員。衷心祝福他,他能為世界帶來美好的作品,豐富和滋潤這一個世代的人。


  5. 对他第一印象是長得太帥但不真實,有點像貴族吸血鬼。越看越順眼超級靚仔。希望他们公司能好好幫他發展演藝事業,而他自己亦要珍惜得來不易的機會,努力工作。拍拖冇問題專一就可以。加油呀!

  6. 明明很聪明好不好,节目里面反应都很快啊!而且超级搞笑,完全没有偶像包袱。演戏高难度动作吊威亚也都一遍遍自己来,反复做,演戏很认真,动情到喊咔都还无法从角色中出来,真的是一个很有潜力的帅哥

  7. Wang He Di stunned me as Dragon King and then Dong Feng left me speechless!! I ask how this talented young funny man can transform into these characters? It is his talent yes but I see he also works very hard. Am new mother fan and will keep DiDi and family in my prayers

  8. Didi is Awesome. 🔥👌👍🤩He smart. highly motivated to learn. And very much talented.Great yong Astor .🤩🥰😊Keep it up your good work💪 Dylan Did💎🐬⚽️⭐❤i. Love and support you always. 👍👌❤❤❤❤❤👏👏

  9. 不是演戏科班出身,他还是有硬伤,出道以来一直只演霸道总裁一类角色,希望他能充实自己的知识和演技,以后能驾驭更多种类不同的角色,不要当流星,当恒星。

  10. 我从 ‘苍兰诀‘ 开始知道 王鹤地 这个人。 也因为我是个戏迷,很容易一段时间沉迷于戏里的角色。就开始看了他参与的节目和电视剧。我觉得他这个人很真实,没有偶像包袱, 就开始慢慢的喜欢这个人。 哈哈!我平常不追星,之着迷戏里的角色。 🤣 可是王鹤地我还是挺喜欢的,然后就开始看他演的 ‘浮图缘’ 演技有进步。👍感觉有变的更稳重了。 我就喜欢他的大胆,勇于尝试新事物,对外面的世界充满着好奇心,一路呆在外,独立, 努力追梦,对人善良,非常贪玩 和我还挺像的 😂并且经常在吃东西 (应该和我一样, 是个吃货)。 唯一 我还做得不够他好的也就是很真实的性格,坦与自己,懂得欣赏自己, 接受自己的所有 值得向他学习。我就喜欢这样的人!! 继续做自己哦 肉肉 🤗

  11. Saw DiDi in LBFD and was blown away by his brilliance and extraordinary talent. I honestly believe he's capable of becoming one of China's great legendary actors. Even the most discerning viewers and critics have succumbed to his raw talent in LBFD. I hope he learns to be more selective about roles to play and directors to work with. Dongfang Qingcang was a dynamic character rooted in complexities. DiDi embodied those complexities and through that character, evolved into an unparalleled talent that shocked the world. Yi Zheng and Qian Jingwu are great directors who coached, inspired, and pulled out the best of DiDis strengths. DiDi is gorgeous to begin with, but those angled camera shots turned him into a GOD. The most memorable characters, played by the best actors, make history forever. I would hate to see someone as incredible as DiDi pigeonholed into trope roles. Sure, hard to get away from them, but also accept roles for truly dynamic, unique characters that'll allow him to develop and tap into raw talent he himself may be unaware of. He is only 24 as of this comment, he has time (and the right look) to cultivate an unforgettable career. Best of all, he came from humble beginnings. He didn't come from money or a prestigious acting school. DiDi represents all of us, so long as you stay true to your talent and pursue something bigger than yourself, you can make it, despite of your beginning.

    Wish someone would translate this video into English, would love to hear what he has to say. You got this, DiDi. A fan from IL, USA.

  12. 先看了扶圖緣演太監的棣棣進而追入了蒼蘭訣、再追他戲外的他、他在戲裏可以酷成那樣?戲外的他竟能活潑似過動兒?爾後看他的生活故事竟欲罷不能!棣棣你真的好棒👍更喜歡看你跟欣欣子的同框!

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